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- By completing and submitting the Registration Form, the User agrees to these Terms and Conditions.

- Acceptance of a person as a Member is at the absolute discretion of 'Pilates met Efy'.

- If a Member brings a guest to the class location for a session, that guest must, before the commencement of the relevant session, be in accordance with and subject to the Terms and Conditions.

-Members must be a minimum of 18 years of age. Individuals aged 17 or younger are permitted to become members subject to express written consent from a parent or guardian and are permitted to attend sessions if (a) they are accompanied by a parent or guardian..

- 'Pilates met Efy' may communicate with the Member by electronic mail. By providing an email address to 'Pilates met Efy' the Member consents to receive email communications from the 'Pilates met Efy', including notices pursuant to the Terms and Conditions. The Member also accepts the risk that email may not be a secure and confidential means of communication. 'Pilates met Efy'will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result of communicating with a Member by email.



- Details of session prices are available either at or directly from the trainers of 'Pilates met Efy' and will be such prices as determined by 'Pilates met Efy' from time to time.

- A Member may not attend any session at the class without first booking and paying for the relevant session.

- Payments for sessions and in any amount are non-refundable unless otherwise stated in the Terms and Conditions.



- Members will be charged for a session where cancellation or the rescheduling of a session is not made online or notice of the same is not delivered to 'Pilates met Efy' and received in person  at least 24 hours prior to the booked time for group classes. 

- Sessions are booked on a first-come, first-served basis. A Member may use the waitlist facility at in the event that their first choice session is unavailable. If a member joins the waitlist for a particular session and becomes automatically enrolled, his booking will be subject to the Terms and Conditions in the usual way.

- Sessions are valid from and include the date of purchase and are non-transferable nor refundable.

- Free test class is valid for 2 weeks from the date of purchase, for new guests only.

1 Session: valid for 2 weeks from the date of purchase

10 Sessions: valid for 3 months from the date of purchase

20 Sessions: valid for 6 months from the date of purchase

- Memberships are non-transferable and exclude refunds.

- By starting any of our Membership options, you authorise 'Pilates met Efy' to charge your credit or debit card, agree to Terms + Conditions, Cookie, and Privacy Policies.



- By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, Members hereby confirm that they have no health problems (including without limitation cardiac irregularities; spinal, bone, joint, tendon or ligament injuries; spells of dizziness; asthma (or other breathing difficulties); diabetes, epilepsy or any allergy) which may affect their participation in any sessions at 'Pilates met Efy'.

- It is the Member’s sole responsibility to notify 'Pilates met Efy' before attending any session of any circumstances affecting their health which may be exacerbated through continued use of 'Pilates met Efy' and/or which may have arisen or worsened since their last session at 'Pilates met Efy' (if any).

- Members are advised not to undertake strenuous physical activity without first seeking medical advice if they have concerns over their physical condition and wellbeing. Members with low/high blood pressure and/or cardiac irregularities should not attend class. If there is any doubt, the Member should consult his doctor.

- 'Pilates met Efy'reserves the right to refuse access to any Member if, at its absolute discretion, it considers that the health of the individual concerned may be endangered by the use of 'Pilates met Efy' facilities.

- Members are required to follow the instructions of the teacher at all times.

- Members shall not be allowed to attend any session whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In the event they do attend, this is entirely at their own risk.

- Members are not allowed to use any of the Studio’s equipment unsupervised and outside the sessions.

- Members who suffer an accident or injury on the Company’s premises must report the accident or injury and the circumstances in which it occurred immediately following the accident or injury.

- Members who are or think they might be pregnant should not follow any of the classes unless strictly and  writtenly allowed by their doctor. 

- Members who participate in any exercise program while pregnant, or immediately following pregnancy, may increase the risk of injury to themselves and, if applicable, to their unborn child. Members hereby personally accept any and all risks associated with participating in exercise classes at 'Pilates met Efy'.

- Members who are pregnant, or immediately following pregnancy, understand that their level of participation in the exercise class and which exercise to perform must be determined by themselves, in consultation with their physician, and that 'Pilates met Efy'and their teachers are not responsible for the intensity of their participation. Members shall undertake to stop all activity immediately if they feel any discomfort. Upon experiencing any discomfort at any time, either during or after class, the member shall immediately contact their treating physician/GP/Midwife to inform him/her and seek advice.

- Any information held by 'Pilates met Efy' regarding the health status of Members shall be treated as confidential and only be released in accordance with GDPR Regulation.



- 'Pilates met Efy' reserves the right to make alterations to the sessions, teachers and/or equipment provided to Members, without notice, and in its absolute discretion, and 'Pilates met Efy' will not be liable for any loss occasioned by such alterations except insofar as such loss is by law incapable of exclusion.

- It is the Member’s responsibility to ensure that he is capable of undergoing a routine of exercises provided by any program which he follows or class which he attends. Members accept the risk of injury from performing exercises and using specialist equipment and are advised to consult their doctor prior to beginning any session. The advice provided by our teachers at no time constitutes medical advice in substitute for the advice provided by a medical professional.

'Pilates met Efy' accepts no liability for loss or damage to property of Members or for injury to Members on the 'Pilates met Efy' premises or outside except insofar as such loss, damage or injury is by law incapable of exclusion.

- In consideration of their participation in the activities and programs of the Company and the use of facilities and equipment owned and/or under the control of the Company the Member hereby waives and releases the Company from any and all responsibility or liability for injuries or damages resulting from their participation in any of the Company’s activities or use of the Company’s equipment or facilities save in respect of death or personal injury caused by the negligent act or omission of the Company.

- To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Company accepts no liability to the User in respect of:

a) any losses arising out of any event or events beyond their reasonable control;

b) any business losses, including, without limitation loss of or damage to profits, income, revenue, use, production, anticipated savings, business, contracts, commercial opportunities or goodwill;

c) any loss or corruption of any data, database or software;

d) any special, indirect or consequential loss or damages; e) any liabilities arising under these terms and conditions or relating to the subject matter or these terms and conditions, including liabilities arising in contract, in tort (including negligence) and for breach of statutory duty, except to the extent expressly provided otherwise in these terms and conditions.



- Members are allowed to use mobile phones, but they should be put on silent during the class.

- No photos or videos are allowed to be taken of staff or other members without their prior consent and the consent of 'Pilates met Efy'.

-Personal belongings are brought onto the 'Pilates met Efy' premises at the Member’s own risk and 'Pilates met Efy' does not accept liability for any loss or damage whatsoever to such items.

- Only water is permitted in the premises. 

- Members must not walk around the premises barefoot if they have Verruca or similar foot complaints.



- By using the Company’s Website, the User accepts these Terms and Conditions in full.

- The User must not use the Website in any way or take action to cause damage to the Website or impairment of the performance, availability and accessibility of the Website.

- All the content including on the Website, including, but not limited to, text, graphic, logos, icons, images, sound, video clips, data compilations, page layout, underlying code and software is the property of the 'Pilates met Efy' or other relevant third parties. By continuing to use the Website the User acknowledge that such material is protected by applicable Law and International Intellectual Property law.

- Any marketing, educational or other materials of any nature whatsoever produced by 'Pilates met Efy' in connection with 'Pilates met Efy' and which are made available to Members  will at all times remain the property of 'Pilates met Efy' and will be subject to the 'Pilates met Efy' s copyright.


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